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Xiaolong Cheng, PhD
 Xiaolong Cheng, PhD

Xiaolong Cheng, PhD

Scientist II

Computational Biology

Xiaolong is a computational scientist at Life Edit Therapeutics. He has more than eight years of experience in statistics and artificial intelligence.

Xiaolong has a PhD in Computer Science and completed a five-year postdoc experience in Bioinformatics. His previous research was focused on developing novel computational methods and software tools for understanding biological data, especially for CRISPR screening and single cell data.

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Visionary science, driven by visionary values.

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To rewrite the future by curing disease, making any edit, anywhere.

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To pave the way to faster, safer, gene editing therapeutics that cure disease and improve patient lives.

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We’re guided by curiosity, rigor, and integrity. We believe in discovery and unlimited potential. We care about science and the lives of patients.